This is the BEST search available. It is the same search that Real Estate Agents use.
What you need to know about this search.
This MLS search will show only homes with a status of 'active'. The status of 'active' means the home is on the market for sale. It will NOT show homes that are Under Contract and taking Backups (homes with the status 'UCB'), or 'Pending' homes, because the sellers of these homes have already accepted a contract and the house in no longer on the market.
It also will not show homes that are already sold (homes with a status of 'closed').
So, if you see a house with a for sale sign in the front yard but it doesn't show up on this search, it is because the seller of that house has accepted an offer and it is no longer on the market.
Also, if you see a house for sale on a 'third party' website like Zillow, but it doesn't show up on this mls search, it is because the house is no longer 'active'. Be advised that third party websites, like Zillow and many others, often have inaccurate and outdated information.
The search criteria are pretty straight forward, but there are a few quirky things to be aware of. As for the 'Dwelling Type', a regular house is referred to as 'Single Family-Detached'.
Also, if you don't see a criteria for something you are interested in, for example a golf course lot, you can type that criteria in the window at the bottom of the criteria list on the left of the screen and if it exists then it will pop up and you can add it to the search.
Keep in mind, the more criteria you select, the fewer number of houses will show up in the results.
If you have any questions, just call me right up. I'll always be happy to help you with any issues you have with your search. My number is 602-418-8045.